Urban energy systems that meet the needs of today's urban people needed to create a stable and sustainable environment. Especially if looking at the Asia-Pacific region which is moving towards sustainable energy together with the integration of energy technologies such as energy supply, storage, building systems, ICT and smart grid. This is how to create energy sustainability for the region and for responding to an increasing power usage in the proportion of the population which has increased rapidly. It can also be viewed as an opportunity and a challenge.
This webinar, the discussion will be on the challenges and opportunities to support cities for creation of integrated sustainable urban energy systems. There will be views UN ESCAP presented on sustainable energy in cities: from global goals to local actions. Together with interesting case studies such as Smart Grids Solution and District Energy Systems solution such as Heat Recovery Systems, District Cooling Systems and how these systems play a vital role in creating sustainable urban energy systems for cities in the Asia-Pacific region will be covered.