Supporting Organisations

Endorsed by:

Ministry of Energy regulate energy operations to ensure quality standards and safety, promote the production and use of clean energy, and energy conservation to align with carbon neutrality goals. Encourage investment in energy and prepare for future business opportunities in the energy sector.

Officially Supported by:

Ministry of Industry is a central government agency of Thailand, which has authority and responsibility in promoting and developing industries, developing entrepreneurs, and other government duties as prescribed by laws as the authority of the Ministry of Industry or agencies under the Ministry of Industry.

Has the responsibility for the preservation, conservation, and restoration of natural resources and the environment, managing their sustainable use, and other government duties as prescribed by laws as the authority of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Ministry of Digital Economy and Society is an agency with the mission to develop and manage the country's telecommunications network, as well as regulate, promote, and encourage the use of infrastructure and innovations to develop the nation's economy and society. It also supports and promotes the business sector to adopt digital technologies and innovations.

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation is a central government agency of Thailand, in the form of a ministry, with authority and responsibility in promoting, supporting, and overseeing higher education, science, research, and innovation, to ensure the country's development keeps pace with global changes.

Supported by:

Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) create sustainability of alternative energy and energy efficiency of the country, in order to boost efficiency and environmentally friendly of energy production and consumption.

Energy Policy and Planning Office is an agency under the Ministry of Energy, with the responsibility and authority to propose policies and plans for the management and development of the country's energy sector.

Department of Industrial Works oversees industrial businesses to ensure environmentally friendly operations, safety, and legal compliance. It also promotes the management of production, energy, machinery conversion, and pollution control through technology and innovation.

The department is a directorate under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, responsible for formulating policies to promote and maintain environmental quality, recommending plans for resource conservation and management, and monitoring environmental impacts based on impact assessment reports.

Department of Environmental Quality Promotion is responsible for promoting and maintaining environmental quality by formulating policies, plans, and measures for the conservation of natural resources and the environment. It also monitors the impacts of various activities to ensure sustainable development.

Pollution Control Department the department is responsible for developing laws, standards, tools, and mechanisms for managing pollution in a manner suitable for the economy and society. It oversees, regulates, and enforces laws to protect the environment, as well as monitors, inspects, assesses, surveys, alerts, and reports on environmental and pollution situations.

It is a research and development agency under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. Its responsibilities include surveying, studying, and conducting academic analyses to serve as the foundation for setting goals, policies, and developing plans, projects, and measures for the advancement of science and technology in the country.

Conference Partners:

JGSEE, established in 1998 under King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, strengthens postgraduate education and research in science and technology to support Thailand’s research, development, and economic competitiveness.

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is a top university in Thailand, recognized for its engineering, science, and technology programs. It was selected as one of the nine National Research Universities and is the first to transition to a state-controlled institution.

In 1986, Kasetsart University planned to establish an institute to address the lack of value-added research for Non-Food Products. The Kasetsart University Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute (KAPI) was founded on July 29, 1991, to develop value-added technologies for Non-Food Products. Prof. Theera Sutabutra, Ph.D., was the founder and first director.

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) is a state-controlled university under the King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Act of 2008. Its objective is to provide education, research, and development in science and technology to promote the advancement of industry and the economy of the country.

Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR) is a state enterprise established to implement the government's special policies. Its purpose is to promote scientific and technological research on a non-profit basis.

National Institute of Metrology "It is a government agency established to develop national measurement standards that are internationally recognized and to transfer measurement accuracy to various measurement activities in the country.

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) is responsible for conducting research, development, and engineering from the laboratory level to prototype production, focusing on building capabilities and expertise in the fields of electronics and computer technology.

SMC, managed by EECi, is a key part of the ARIPOLIS platform, focusing on developing manufacturing industry platforms. It offers hands-on activities for developers, innovators, and researchers, enhancing Thailand's industrial competitiveness and supporting the transition to an innovation-driven economy in the Industry 4.0 era.

Thailand Productivity Institute, the national productivity partner to individuals and businesses of all sectors, with an aim to empower skills, knowledge, innovation, and quality performance leading to Thailand's worldwide competitiveness and sustainable growth.

The Waste to Energy Trade Association (WETA) promotes waste-to-energy technologies, supporting knowledge exchange and policies to improve waste management and sustainable energy solutions.

ThaiWEA, a warm and collaborative community dedicated to empowering our members to achieve their goals in the vibrant landscape of Thailand. As a non-profit membership-based trade association, we bring together a diverse group of Thai and international members, representing various organizations, institutes, and companies.

TESTA, or the Thailand Energy Storage Technology Association, connects stakeholders, educates the public, and promotes advancements in energy storage technology in Thailand. Its members include energy storage enthusiasts from academia, research institutes, public sectors, and private industries. TESTA was founded on September 24, 2020, as the "Thailand Energy Storage Technology Association."

Thai Renewable Energy (RE 100) Association promotes the use of 100% renewable energy in Thailand, supporting businesses and organizations in transitioning to sustainable energy by 2030.

It is the core that strengthens and To produce Thai industrial products that can compete at the international level to develop the Thai economy, society and environment sustainably.

Thailand Renewable Energy Community (TREC) is responsible for promoting and supporting the use of renewable energy in local communities across Thailand. It aims to foster sustainable energy solutions, raise awareness, and encourage the development and implementation of renewable energy projects at the community level.

The Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association (APUEA) promotes sustainable energy use in urban areas through research, development, and knowledge exchange on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Technology Promotion Association Thailand - Japan is an association that promotes and supports technological advancements for its members and disseminates them to the general public, aiming to promote the country's economy. It also encourages education, human resource development, technology, and training in collaboration with both public and private sectors.

Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization is an agency under the supervision of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, responsible for providing services, overseeing, and setting standards related to measurement, reporting, and verification, as well as certifying the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, reductions, and compensations.